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Biosensing of Naringin in Marketed Fruits and Juices Based on Its Interaction with DNA, Ali A. Ensafi, Sana Karbalaei, E. Heydari-Bafrooei, B. Rezaei, J. Iranian Chem. Soc., 2016, 13, 19-27.

A  new  electrochemical  biosensor  is  introduced  to  study  naringin–DNA  interaction  and  naringin detection,  using  a  modified  pencil  graphite  electrode (PGE).  The  biosensor  was  prepared  by  modification  of a  PGE  with  MWCNTs-poly  dialyldimethylammonium chloride   (PDDA)   decorated   with   ds-DNA   (dsDNA/ PDDA-MWCNTs/PGE). Change in the oxidation signals of  adenine  and  guanine  was  used  as  probes  for  the  biosensor  evaluation,  using  differential  pulse  voltammetry. Under the optimized conditions, naringin could be measure  from  0.058  to  580.0  µg  mL− 1   with  a  limit  of  detection of 0.010 µg mL− 1 . The relative standard deviation for five  measurements  of  0.58  µg  mL− 1   naringin  was  found as 3.7 and 4.2 %, based on the guanine and adenine sig-
nals,  respectively. The  biosensor  was  used  as  a  selective sensor  for  the  determination  of  naringin.  In  addition, electrochemical  impedance  spectroscopy  was  performed to evaluate the charge-transfer resistance of the modified and unmodified PGEs. Finally, this highly stable electrochemical biosensor was used to analyze naringin contents in various citrus juices.

Journal Papers

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