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Highly selective photometric method for the determination of periodate

Authors: Ali A Ensafi, S Zakeri
Publication date: 1999/1/1
Volume: 32
Pages: 1643-1652
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
ABSTRACT A simple and selective photometric procedure was developed for the micro-
determination of periodate in aqueous media. The method is based on the reaction of
periodate with Gallocyanine at pH= 4.8. The reaction was monitored photometrically by
measuring the absorbance of the reaction mixture at 620 nm. The effects of reagent
concentration, temperature and influence of other species for the determinations of
periodate were investigated. Periodate can be determined in the range of 0.02-2.20 μg/ml, ...


Journal Papers

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Highly selective photometric method for the determination of periodate | Prof. Ali A. Ensafi


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